Firm Profile

URBAN FORUM ASSOCIATES provides professional services in Town Planning, Urban Design and Communications. This expertise together with the Principal’s training in architecture and sought-after communications skills puts our firm in a unique position to address a wide range of issues, and provide integrated services on a broad spectrum of urban planning, land development and communications projects.
Our experience includes Development Planning and Rezoning Approvals; Urban Design Masterplans; Town Centre and Neighbourhood Plans; Streetscape Plans; Transit Oriented Developments; Campus Plans; and writing and editing major submissions.
Founded in 1992, Urban Forum Associates serves both the private and public sectors. Contact Us →
We work with municipal, civic and developer clients. We apply a full range of planning, urban design, communications and project management skills. We can lead or serve on multi-disciplinary teams that address the full range of our clients’ specific needs, including town planning, land economics, environmental planning and transportation planning.
Public consultation is a key aspect of our work. We have considerable expertise in a wide range of consultation techniques. We are excellent communicators, with sought-after presentation skills.
We pride ourselves on listening closely to our clients and responding to their needs, on time and on budget. We are team players. We add value for our clients.
We are committed to offering the most rigorous standards of service, with the aim of creating economically-viable, environmentally-responsive, and above all inspiring, enriched urban environments.
Rezoning Approvals
Private Developers
Urban Design
Advocacy Planning
Strategic Communications
Streetscape Design
Transportation Planning
Writing & Editing
Site Planning & Campus Planning
Municipal Planning & Development Departments
Business Improvement Associations
University Campus Planning organizations
Private Developers & Landowners
Neighbourhood & Residents Associations
Communications Departments of Governments, Institutions & Corporations
Architectural, Urban Planning & Communications consultants
Parks & Recreation Departments